Monday, September 1, 2008

Look at my HAIR! (Slowly, but surely...)

Today, (ok, yesterday, Sunday...I'm always a day or so late posting-) after two chocolate cookies...the soft ones, loaded with not only chocolate chips, but white chocolate chips as well, Mommy was able to trick Ashlyn into her first ponytail! I can't stand the ponytails on babies when they stick straight up. I, of course, decided this after doing it to my first baby girl, Kaeleigh. What was I thinking? I gave her the double ones...and all it looked like was devil horns! So, now that I have a few tricks up my sleeve, and more years under my belt with girl hair...look how much cuter:


Heywood Clan said...

Are you saying that you never liked my girls hair when they were babies? I'm offended!! J/K I don't know what I was thinking either!

Tiffany said...

Too cute! I too did the ponytail on top of the head, but you really can't do anything with Brooklyn's hair. She has like 10 cowlicks, no joke.

Cheree said...

I can't believe she is getting so big and that you can do her hair. She is so cute.