So, Ryan and I have been going back and forth a little bit about Ashlyn's "size". We keep using the word "diet", very lightly, wondering if we ought to be more careful of what our mini hoover eats. Obviously we wouldn't put her on a real diet. I just need to feed her the right foods. She doesn't suffer at all for loss of food. She scrounges all day long. I am thinking about counting how many times in one day she makes her one-word request to "EAT". So I googled her weight percentile today. I got my number back and she is in the "healthy" 87th%.
Taking that info...I decided that maybe I shouldn't cave every time she asked for a cookie, marshmallow or fruit snack today. I tried to opt for more healthy snacks like apple sauce or carrot sticks-seriously. I cannot even recall how many times exactly, but she literally asked to eat ALL day today. So, this is what I found...
It seems that she is a cute little trouble maker. The other night, Ryan was so cute helping give baths and he took Ashlyn out first and we got her in her pj's. Ryan apparently didn't know what happens with Ashlyn if you don't let the water out. I usually take her out last...
Hilarious! Glad you pulled out your camera to document the good times! Hah!
She is a cutie! What would we do without these sweet little ones to make us laugh?
I love those chunkie legs, Keep feeding her!!
She is too cute!! Man I miss her!!! Emily misses her too!! We are looking forward to seeing you guys in March!!!
P.S. I want to see some pictures of the red paint by your pantry. I could see a little bit in one of the pics, but I want to see more. I'm thinking about painting one of my walls red. The one with the arch. What do you think?
She is too cute!
Let her enjoy the fat. She will slim out later on because of her great parents gene's( I hope I spelled that right). She is adorable. I can't believe how old she looks.
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