Carson definitely knows how to win a girl's heart. Ever since I can remember, Carson has brought me flowers. Usually weeds (the pretty ones) or some kind of little flower from a neighbors yard. A little while ago, I noticed that Ryan must have started feeling like Carson was making him look bad, and Ryan was bringing home more flowers than usual. Trust me, it wasn't often, but 4 times a year is great compared to only when I had a baby...that would have only been 4 times in nearly 10 years, so his average is well improving.
The other night, Ryan got home from CO and noticed that I had bought some flowers (finally) for the planter on the wall out front. He said to Carson (as they were heading out to buy a baseball glove at Walmart...later post) "Hey, Mom bought herself some flowers!" To that, Carson responded in astonishment..."DAD! Mom's should NEVER have to buy themselves flowers!" Well, guess who ended up bringing home flowers! Carson picked these ones out. I love it when he picks flowers out because he always buys the happiest looking ones...ones that I would never buy myself. I always go for the more traditional beauties, but my new favorites are definitely any from my boys. Carson's favorite color is orange, by the way. How cute!
Photo by Kaeleigh~age 9
That is so sweet!!! I love that little boy!!! He just melts my heart. No wonder he already has a gal-pal(as you call it). Enjoy this because Spencer use to bring me flowers too. He hasn't done it in such a long time and I miss it so much. By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
What a cute, thoughful little boy. He's so cute. Watch out ladies!
That is too cute!
Those are some bright flowers. I love them!
What a sweetheart!!!
That is the cutest story I've ever heard! What a man!
BTW... Happy Birthday! I had it on my calendar and meant to call, but got the sad news about my cousin, and have been consumed with phone calls the last 2 days! sorry, hope your day was special!
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