On the way to school...Yeah for everyone!
Had to drop them at the curb, but saw Kaeleigh in the hall
Lunch with Carson and Gabby(that is the Principle at the table)
Traditionally we have gone to Cold Stone on the first day,
but because of Deegan's allergies we have to adjust. Mommy
didn't feel like making dinner and since Monday's and Tuesday's
kids eat free at Fridays...Mommy got her way and this year we
went out to eat instead.
I have wanted to feed the ducks all summer long with the kids
but it has been too hot, or it wasn't the right time. We finally
went for family night after eating at T.G.I.Fridays. The kids had
a ton of fun. There were so many ducks! At first we couldn't get
any to come, but never fear...word spreads fast. The kids liked
hearing about when I was little and we would go feed the ducks
with Grandma and Grandpa Larkin and they especially liked
hearing about the mean geese at Canyon Lake that would nip
at your fingers!
Just in case all the pictures made it look like it was smooth
sailing at the lake...keep in mind we have a 1 and 2 year old...
this is what it was really like the whole time. Ryan kept saving
Ashlyn as he patiently let me take pictures and I hung on to
Deegan for dear life or let Ryan have a couple turns. Overall it
was fun, but definitely only an activity for multiple adults!
I just had to add this! Carson started sobbing when I
showed up to pick him up the first day of school. He said
I came too fast and that he was going to ride the bus. Well,
he got his way the next morning. He was so excited that
he wouldn't even wait for me to take a picture.
Congratulations Carson on your 1st day of Kindergarten. I know you'll do great!! I love your pictures. They are so cute. I love your tradition of going out to eat on the 1st day of school.
WOW, I can't believe the kids are back in school! We are just around the corner... Carson is a big boy going to kindergarten, can you even believe it? I loved all the pictures... SO CUTE! I might have to steal your idea of going to Cold Stone on the first day!
Summer went by so fast. I can't believe your kids are in school already and that Carson is in Kindergarten. I'm sure it's bitter-sweet. What are you going to do with only two kids at home? Oh yeah, life is still crazy. I think it's funny that people think that life slows down when some kids are at school.
You're kids are so darn cute! Don't you just love that they are just as excited as you are for the 1st day of school?!?!
Kev has been in contact with Ryan and I think Ryan is going to be too busy while he's here to come on over to good ol' Thornton! We totally understand! But let him know that if he does have time than he is more than welcome to stop by! By the way it's crazy that Carson is in school now! Makes us feel so OLD! Love you guys!
oh my goodness! your kids have grown so fast. i can't believe you have four kids. i think you were pregnant with deegan last i saw you. your family is so beautiful. i love the pictures.
Boy do i miss the good old days when we were in young womans together. oh how time flys.
Were are you living now? Warren and i moved up to Gilbert a year ago. we should get together one of these days.
oh, kids growing up. i happens so fast. talmage loves the picture of the school bus. he can't wait to ride one someday. congrats on having only 2 at home during the day. oh the things you'll be able to get done right? or maybe those naps you can take!!!
Shannon, so fun to find your blog. The kids look so big, what's happening with that?!?!?!:)
Love that song, "let them be little" also. It's a perfect reminder.
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